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  • try to always do everything in one edgedb trip
    • one .client() call, no more
    • it's ok to have multiple when prototyping but for prod, keep it to one .client() call

Connecting to live edgedb instance with fish shell

Setup env vars.

  • set -x EDGEDB_INSTANCE ..
  • set -x EDGEDB_SECRET_KEY ..
  • set -x EDGEDB_DATABASE ..

Restore local EdgeDB from a dump

Assumes you have a file that is result of running edgedb dump.

edgedb project init # name it `edgedb`
edgedb database wipe -I edgedb

Then run:

edgedb restore edgedb-dump.db

Reset database

set -x EDGEDB_INSTANCE nikitavoloboev/learn-anything

create database tmp;
\c tmp
drop database edgedb;
create database edgedb;
\c edgedb
drop database tmp;

Create dump of database

edgedb dump prod.db

Restoring database from dump

set -x EDGEDB_DATABASE new_database
edgedb restore la.db

Where la.db is the file you get after running edgedb dump. Basically you can't restore into existing db.


set -x RUST_LOG=debug

Setting above flag will give better error messages on CLI outputs.

Select all properties of an object:

select GlobalNote {

Select all properties of an object (including nested things):

select GlobalNote {

Reference code

// check that user is admin. there is probably better way to do this, ideally as part of one .client() call
// also probably no need for this function, just secure the call to function via internal resolver instead
// this code is just for reference in case there is need for it
const adminUser = await e
  .select(e.User, (user) => ({
    filter: e.all(
      e.set(e.op(user.hankoId, "=", hankoId), e.op(user.admin, "=", true))
if (adminUser.length === 0) {


When we had free action blocks, we could do this in grafbase resolvers in the catch area.

if (err instanceof ConstraintViolationError) {
  throw new GraphQLError("out-of-free-actions")
} else {
  throw new GraphQLError(JSON.stringify(err))